Meet the Staff Team

We have a dedicated staff team at CMJ UK who work alongside a team of volunteers to help bring the good news of Messiah to the Jewish population here in the UK. With a mixture of staff working from the CMJ UK Office, making visits across the UK, or in Jewish communities, they all play a vital role in carrying out the mandate we believe God has given us.

Our Staff Team
Rev. Aaron Eime
Rev. Aaron Eime
General Director
Aaron Eime is an Australian who has served CMJ for 26 years in the land of Israel as the Deacon of Christ Church, Jerusalem. Aaron is an accomplished Bible teacher specializing in the Hebraic Roots of the Christian faith. Aaron studied in the Masters program at the Rothberg School at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The focus of his studies centred on Early Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Bible. That is, how did Jews and Christians read and interpreted the Bible between the years 300 BC to 300 AD at a time when there was no canon of Scripture. Aaron has taught internationally in Europe, Asia and North America. He is married to Michelle and together they have three children; Micah (23) Atarah (20) and Tirzah (15) all of whom were born in Israel. Aaron has taken up the position of General Director of CMJ UK in 2024 and looks forward to serving God’s people in this exciting and valuable ministry.
Photo of John Brooks
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
John is a Nottinghamshire lad, saved at the age of 10. John has travelled widely to help other Christians: France, Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia. John is married to Carol, they live in Mansfield and fellowship at Calvary Mansfield. John is a lover of hot and spicy food, his wider interests also include motorsports, travel, and Christian music.
Photo of Jane Moxon
Head of Development
After Grammar School, Jane attended a school of Speech and Drama or Screech and Trauma as she describes it. After this she was asked to become Head of RE in a Comprehensive School. A job she loved.

Later, Jane immersed herself in Church work, leading worship, preaching, and helping to devise a new morning service.

She has worked for CMJ since 2008 and loves her job which is full of variety and opportunities to teach Bible Truths about God’s Covenant with the Jewish people. She has visited Israel well over 20 times and loves the Land and the people. She thinks it is mandatory for Believers in Jesus to visit the Land where He lived and to see things through His Jewish perspective.

Jane says there was never a shred of anti-Semitism in her home and some of her early Christian influences came from people like author of The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom.

Jane is 5 parts English 2 parts Lithuanian and 1 part Irish, so Jane says that makes her “an extremely polite, optimistic melancholic, with the gift of the gab”!
Image of silhouettes to represent our Community Based Evangelists
Tania and Simon
Community Based Engagers
Tania in North London
Simon in the Midlands
Oliver Sims, Engagement Manager
Engagement Manager
Oliver is married to Rose and with their three children they live in North Yorkshire. His faith journey began at 16, when a school friend invited him to a church meeting. A Dutch couple spoke of having a relationship with God and soon afterwards, Oliver too became a believer. Whilst studying languages at university, he met a Jewish believer called Mike who had a vast library of books, and it was from there that Oliver’s love for the Jewish people began.

Prior to his current role in CMJ, Oliver came to work for Chosen People Ministries through someone he met whilst attending Leeds Messianic Fellowship. He has engaged in various outreaches, notably amongst the Jewish people of New York City and throughout the UK too.

He is now completing a Master of Divinity degree with a specialism in Messianic Jewish Studies through Biola University. Oliver is a clear communicator of God’s Word and he regularly speaks in churches. He describes himself as a Gentile believer with a Jewish heart. He enjoys outdoor walks, photography and good French cheese!
Photo of Lisa Boot, CMJ UK Finance Manager
Finance Manager
I’m Lisa, CMJ UK's Finance Manager. Based in the Office, I am delighted to have joined a wonderful and dedicated team of staff and volunteers in this mission field. I come from a mainly commercial banking background, having also held finance roles as a Church treasurer and an overseas mission administrator.
In my part-time role as Finance Manager, I will be handling all things financial - so, if you have any queries on giving and Gift Aid, please seek me out!
I’m married to Daniel and have 3 amazing children ranging in ages between 10 and 17.
Photo of Sally-Anne Morgan, Events Manager
Events Manager
Hello, I am extremely excited to join the CMJ family and am thankful that Jesus equips me for the role of Events Manager daily. This is a completely different role from all my previous careers as working with children and families in daycare and education have been my passion until 2021 when God changed my heart and direction.
I am a Mansfield girl born and bred, moved away for a few years but came happily home. I met the Lord and became born-again at the age of 16 years. This experience was very significant as I saw something in someone…wanted what they had…only to find out it was and is our Lord and Saviour and I pray that I am like that…there is something noticeably different about me.
I am a mum, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend to many. All my relationships are very important to me and I try to put Jesus in the centre of all I do.
I look forward to seeing you all along this journey, enjoying adventures with Jesus together.
Photo of Philippa, Communications Manager
Communications Manager
Hi, I'm Philippa working in the Office at Farnsfield and I'm delighted to be part of the Office team. Working as Communications Manager, I'll be keeping the website up to date, informing you of all things CMJ via social media and the Weekly News Update and designing much of our promotional material.
Our home church is the Salvation Army. In my spare time I like to play the piano and go to music concerts and gigs - something I'm hoping to be able to do again later this year!
Over the past few years in particular, through study and the Holy Spirit, I've come to understand much more about God's purposes for Israel, prophecy and His plans for His people. Thankfully, he's not finished with me yet either.
Jenny, Administration
Hello, I’m Jenny working in the office at Farnsfield. I’m delighted to be a part of the CMJ team and grateful for the opportunity to do so. I work as an Admin Assistant 2 days a week and have been since December 2022. Working here has really stirred a passion in my heart for the people of Israel and wanting to understand more from a biblical view. It’s also helped me to be someone other than mum (as much as I love being one)!
I’m originally from North London but spent 7 years living in York, where I went to Bible college and I moved to Mansfield in 2016.
I’m married to Bruce and we are blessed to have twin daughters who are 2. In my spare time I enjoy reading, meeting friends and being active.
Katie Scott, Administration
Administration, Mailouts and Bookshop
Hi I’m Katie, I work in a part- time Administrative role at the CMJ Office, I also look after Mailouts and Books. It’s great to be involved with such an important mission, as well as a huge opportunity for me to learn more about our Jewish roots and for my faith to grow.
I’m married to Graham and have two children, Grace and Daniel and very much enjoy busy family life! CMJ has been my first employment in 7 years, after choosing to stay at home to focus on raising my children. This has been an answer to prayer, getting ready for a new challenge I was praying to find something that would be compatible with a Christian life, my previous high-pressure role in retail was not the way I wanted to return. Finding this little job seemed to come out of the blue and is such a perfect fit for faith and family life and has been an incredible blessing!
I enjoy walking with family and friends, fun days out with Graham and the children, picnics, cooking and I thrive on the challenge of helping out in our Church’s Sunday School. I also enjoy reading, although since starting work here my ‘to be read’ pile needs more work as it has grown considerably!
Shoshanah Crookes, Administration
Shalom, I’m Shoshanah. I mainly look after the database, keeping up to date with our wonderful supporters and helping with mail outs throughout the year. It is a true blessing to be working with a wonderful team passionate about our Jewish roots and fighting anti-Semitism.
I became a Christian on Christmas Day 2008, which can only be described as a ‘road to Damascus’ moment. I fell in love with Yeshua and the path He had for me led to being baptised in the Jordan, volunteering in Israel – at Christ Church in Jerusalem for 3 months and then Beit Bracha at Migdal in Galilee for 6 months and as I travelled around the Golan and the north of the country on my days off, my love for Israel and the Jewish people was born. My hope, and I pray God’s will, is for me to return and serve again in Eretz, that beloved Land.
In my spare time I enjoy working in His creation on my allotment, hiking – one of the highlights being walking the Camino de Santiago, badminton, singing in a choir, wildlife and birdwatching. I also serve and volunteer with the Scargill Community in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.

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