About Us

The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People (CMJ) started in the UK in 1809. We have grown over the last 215+ years, spreading out across the UK and beyond as our worldwide partners actively carry the ministry through every continent. We pray the Lord will keep His hand on all we do, as we continue to impact the Jewish people with the truth about Messiah Yeshua, until the day “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26).

Our Mandate

We believe the mandate God has given to us is to be a witness to the Jewish People about the Messiah, and to educate the Church on the Jewish roots of her faith and understanding that God has not finished with Israel. We also believe that God is doing a restorative work between His people, as through Yeshua the dividing walls between us are being broken down.

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The 3 E's

The three-fold ministry of CMJ is Engagement, Education and Encouragement & Support. This permeates through everything we do, as we continue the work started by our CMJ forefathers, Joseph Frey, William Wilberforce and Lord Shaftesbury.


We have a passionate desire to see Jewish People coming to the fulfilment of their faith through Yeshua the Messiah. We affirm with them that they do not lose their Jewish identity just because they have chosen to accept Yeshua.
Through our Community Based Engagers, we are actively involved in being a witness to the Jewish communities of North London, Manchester and the Midlands.
We are involved in a regular street outreach held once a month during the spring and summer months at Stamford Hill.
We also attend New Age festivals, which often see many Jewish People as well as other people groups who are seeking God.

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We seek to encourage Churches to engage with the Jewish community around them and to support Christians into a deeper understanding of the Jewish Scriptures, the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. We also love to demonstrate, in practical ways, the revelation of Yeshua contained within the Biblical Feasts and Festivals.

We also arrange tours with speakers from some of our CMJ worldwide partners, including those who are active in Israel’s mission field.

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CMJ has a growing youth ministry that takes the form of our annual Youth Conference. We partner with Youth for Christ.

CMJ uses the Bible Comes To Life Exhibition to share with all ages. Giving hands on experience to try their hand at living the Biblical life and experiencing the fascinating artefacts that illustrate the foundations of our Jewish and Christian faiths.

Learn more about The Bible Comes to Life

Old image of Jerusalem used in The Bible Comes to Life a key educational ministry of CMJ UK
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Encouragement & Support

We recognise the need to encourage Messianic Believers to connect with other Messianic Believers as they seek to understand who they are in the fullness of Jesus. Even today many Jewish people can be cut-off from their communities and rejected by their families, as well as struggle to fit in with the largely Gentile Church.

We offer support of the work CMJ Israel are doing among Messianic Believers in Jerusalem, the Galilee and Tel Aviv.

We are linked with the British Messainic Jewish Alliance, and can always find a way to connect you with other like-minded Jewish Believers.

Many of our supporters lead prayer groups in their homes and Churches, so we send regular prayer updates to them. We also have an emergency prayer line and send out requests as we receive them.

Image of Jewish man writing in Hebrew used for the focal image of The Jewish Evangelism Training Course by CMJ UK
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