The Board of Trustees

CMJ UK is overseen by a Board of Trustees made up of people from across the UK who share a heart to bring the good news of Messiah to the Jewish People.

The Trustees
Wendy Scott, CMJ UK
Wendy Scott
Wendy is a trainer/consultant running her own company in the Midlands and has been involved with CMJ since 1986, first serving as a Trustee in the mid-90s and again since 2012. Her prayer is to see the work of CMJ UK grow and develop, continuing to fulfil the calling since 1809, to be a witness to the Jewish Messiah.
Photo of Rufus Barnes
Rufus Barnes
Vice Chair
Rufus Barnes attended Bible School in Jerusalem in 1992-3 during which time he came into contact with CMJ through Christ Church. He has served as a Trustee of CMJ UK at various times since and, after a 4 year break, was re-elected in 2019. He is now Vice-Chair. He has also served as Vice-Chair on the Board of CMJ Israel.
Photo of Rev Canon Phil Harris
Rev Canon Phil Harris
Phil is an Anglican Priest and as Canon serves as the Ecumenical Officer for CEEC.CHURCH worldwide. Phil also serves on the Leadership Commission of the Order of St Leonard as Canon for Formation and Training and represents the Order nationally at Churches Together England. For many years Phil was bi-vocational where he chaired an International business and has a passion for Israel and the Jewish people.
Photo of Liz Woods
Liz Woods
Board Member
Having taught for 11 years in London, I went to Israel for 5 months as a volunteer at the Garden Tomb in 1992 and stayed for 21 years! During that time I had responsibility for its reception & shop, group bookings and staff scheduling. I returned to the UK in 2013 and became a CMJ UK trustee in 2014.
Photo of Alison Davies
Alison Davies
Board Member
I was brought up in an extended family of Believers and taught to love Israel from an early age. Genesis 12:3 was one of the first Bible verses I learned. I have had a connection with CMJ since the 1970’s and knew many of the staff and volunteers when the headquarters were in St Albans. I am committed to the ‘3 E’s’ of CMJ UK (Education, Evangelism and Encouragement). Now I am in the early years of retirement (from General Practice), I am looking forward to being part of the future that the Lord has for CMJ UK, and the One New Man body that is His bride.
Adam Raffell, CMJ UK Trustee
Adam Raffell
Board Member
Adam is from York and worked for ten years for Christian organisations committed to serving Jewish people and communities in Ukraine. He is a St. Andrews University M.Theol graduate and also holds an M.St in Jewish-Christian Relations after studying with the Woolf Institute at Cambridge University. First and foremost, though, Adam seeks simply to be a follower of Jesus!

Serving as a Trustee of CMJ, Adam’s aspiration is to encourage meaningful coming together and dialogue between Christians and Jews, in part through drawing the crucial distinction between evangelism and proselytism – the Church’s ‘…ministry among…’ not a ‘…mission to…’. The love of Christ compels us to embark on a two-way process of witnessing God’s transforming work in our lives. For Adam, this means learning from, loving and affirming Jews as Jews, without compromising on sharing the hope in Christ within us, or our faithful expectation concerning His ultimate fulfilment of Israel’s promises.

“…for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.” (Rom 11:29)
Sammy Salter, CMJ UK Trustee
Sammy Salter
Board Member
Sammy is a web developer and dad living in Sheffield and has grown up supporting CMJ and attending conference. Sammy believes CMJ has a critical part to play in being a witness to the Messiah, and is excited to see Yeshua at work today. Sammy has worked on the children's and youth teams and is keen to see support for CMJ build in the next generation and wider in the church.
Sharon Arthurson
Sharon Arthurson
Co-opted Trustee
I am Sharon, married to Paul whom I met in Israel in 1996. We live in Edinburgh.
We have two adult daughters, Abigail and Esther and a lovely son-in-law, Jonathan.
I am a part-time GP and last year, it was my privilege to lead my first Shoresh Study Tour to Israel, with another, God willing, in 2024. I am passionate about Christians knowing the Jewish roots of their faith and coming to a love of the Jewish people. To that end, we hosted a conference in Edinburgh in September 2023 and God did amazing things. I am excited to see where he leads us here in Scotland.


A photograph of our Trustees at the CMJ UK Annual Conference 2019.

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