Keeping the vision… retelling the story for each generation.
Samuel Schor
Samuel Schor was born in Jerusalem to a Jewish couple who became followers of Jesus at CMJ’s Christ Church Centre. Samuel came to England to train as a Vicar. As a new curate in Felixtowe he realised that the life and culture of the Bible was alien to British Christians. He gathered a collection of artefacts that he could use as teaching tools and wrote several books.
The Exhibition went mobile in 1891 and in 9 days in 1910 over 300,000 people visited the exhibition in London.
How many could you invite?
What does the Bible Comes to Life Exhibition look like today?
Today CMJ uses some of the unique original exhibition materials and some new ones to continue Samuel Schor’s vision. People from many different communities, school classes and youth groups are welcome to visit and try their hand at living the Biblical life and experiencing the fascinating artefacts that illustrate the foundations of our Jewish and Christian faiths.
Host BCTL at your church
Come and meet Bible characters, hear them tell their stories and see how the Bible Comes To Life!
The Bible Comes To Life exhibition has been described as “fun, educational, unique, surprising, interesting, and smelly (we burn frankincense!)” and that is just by the children!
Keeping the vision… retelling the story for each generation.