Section 4: Calendar

Welcome to Section 4 of the JET Course. This section is called Calendar.
Please download the documents below to help with your studies.

Section 4: Calendar. Video 1 - The Jewish Calendar (18 minutes)

Section 4: Calendar. Video 1 - The Jewish Calendar

This video explains God’s prophetic calendar, as found in Leviticus 23. As we understand this and the impact that it has on the Jewish community, we can be better equipped to build friendships and share Gospel truths.

Download the Reflection & Study Notes for the Section 4: Calendar. Video 1 - The Jewish Calendar.

Section 4: Calendar. Video 2 - The Jewish Lifecycle (11 minutes)

Section 4: Calendar. Video 2 - The Jewish Lifecycle

This video surveys the main Jewish lifecycle events. Knowing how the people mark the passage of time and celebrate will equip you with insight and knowledge to help you in your conversations.

Download the Reflection & Study Notes for the Section 4: Calendar. Video 2 - The Jewish Lifecycle.

Section 4: Calendar. Video 3 - Building Bridges – Celebration (12 minutes)

Section 4: Calendar. Video 3 - Building Bridges – Celebration

How can we relate to Jewish people in specific ways at specific points in the year? How can we speak into the life events that they are going through? This video aims to equip you in this, sharing many practical tips of how to bring the Good News of Yeshua into these moments.

Download the Reflection & Study Notes for the Section 4: Calendar. Video 3 - Building Bridges – Celebration.

Section 4: Calendar. Video 4 - Tools for you (10 minutes)

Section 4: Calendar. Video 4 - Tools for you

Sharing the Good News of Yeshua is often time sensitive with Jewish people; there are natural times and seasons to be aware of which can help or hinder our witness. This video provides you with more tools in your toolbox to help you effectively reach out during the year to the Jewish people you know.

Download the Reflection & Study Notes for the Section 4: Calendar. Video 4 - Tools for you.

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